RANSON, W.Va. – Jefferson County Schools (JCS) showcased the many different options for career training and dual enrollment available to students during the inaugural Opportunity Expo. More than 600 9th graders from Jefferson High School and Washington High School visited the Ranson Civic Center to learn more about the various programs they can take advantage of during their high school careers.
JCS partnered with James Rumsey Technical Institute, Shepherd University, Blueridge Community and Technical College, and WVU Potomac State College to give students a complete picture about the training and career paths they can begin before graduation. Director of Responsive Education for Jefferson County Schools Dirk Webb said it is important that students understand what they can do over the next four years, within the school system and with partnering institutions.
“We really want them to have a solid understanding of pathways and things that they can do as they move through their high school education,” he said.
Students already taking advantage of the career and educational opportunities took part in the event by volunteering at tables set up around the civic center. The students at each table answered questions, offered demonstrations, and talked about what each program was like. Webb said the event focused on freshmen so they would be prepared to register for classes this winter.
“This is an opportunity for them to really look at the options they have so when they go in with their counselor, they have an idea of a pathway, and we can tailor their education to their future goals.”
He said he was pleased with the effort and hopes to make it an annual event. Students will begin registering for classes later this year. To learn more about responsive education in Jefferson County Schools, visit https://www.jcswv.org/page/career-technical-and-adult-education.