WHS students programming an Escape Room plan inside a classroom
Front row - Jace Chu, Brooklyn Glover, Savannah Aheam, Amara Caison, Megan Brady, Christine Larson, Becky McGivern 2nd row - Amelia Addison, Ava Chicchirichi, Elexa Littleton, Peyton Burns, Wyatt Taulton, Mason Bennett 3rd row - Ashlee Cockermen, Devin Brandenburg, Ayden Shiflett, Peyton Day, Alexis Stuntz Not pictured - Adrian Nelson
JHS & WHS groups named 2025 WVMEA Honor Ensembles
JROTC cadets stand with the JCBOE members on stage with a large check for 90,409.59.
JCS News Friends of Music Donations graphic
WHS All-State Band Students posing with the instruments
GYO student works with WMS music student on the trombone
14 WHS All-State Choir Attendees pose in front of fall foliage
Members from Washington and Jefferson FFA await the start of the First General Session of the 97th National FFA Convention.
Speaker at PERC coffee chat in front of PowerPoint presentation
JCS News, 2024 WVGSA Assessment Results Available Online
Ms. Horn handing Mr.Bartley a diploma while shaking his hand
JCS News Meals to Students at no cost
Dr. Chuck Bishop
Ron Stephens
Group shot of 25 new MedEd students
Collage of Amanda Thomas, Donovan Itobi in uniform, and Tommie Lucas